Hey, dear! ☀️
Life is in constant change. It’s a simple and logical idea we all understand, right? But how often are we truly aware of it?
When I look around – at our society, among people I know, and, of course, myself – I notice something: we humans love our comfort zones. And what is a comfort zone? It’s whatever feels familiar, what we know, what we’ve experienced before.
But here’s the thing: sometimes, our comfort zone isn’t actually comfortable. Sometimes, we’ve made habits out of things that aren’t beneficial to us—or worse, things that hurt us. Think about it: smoking cigarettes, staying quiet and shy around new people, scrolling on your phone for hours. These actions, repeated over time, accumulate into habits. And even when we know they’re not good for us, we keep doing them because sticking with what’s familiar feels easier and more comfortable than making a change.
Stepping out of our comfort zone requires just that one thing: change. It means doing something differently than we’ve done before. But if life is already in a constant state of change, why does it feel so hard for us to go with it?
Here’s something worth remembering: it’s only natural for us to change. All of life, the world, the planet – everything around us is always evolving. And we are part of that same life, that same flow of constant transformation. Just as the seasons shift and rivers flow, we’re meant to grow, adapt, and change too.
As sovereign human beings, we actually have the power to start fresh – to become completely anew – every day, even in every moment. Yet, we often find ourselves repeating the same patterns, saying the same words, and thinking the same thoughts.
So here’s an invitation: let’s claim our freedom to change! Let’s stop avoiding it. Let’s feel the fear that often comes with change – and choose to do it anyway.
Take a moment and think: is there something that’s been bothering you? It could be about your life, yourself, or even something as small as the way your room is organized. Now ask yourself: what’s one tiny change you could make to improve it?
Go ahead and make that change. Feel the empowerment that comes from realizing you have the ability to choose and create something better for yourself.
Learn to love change! And most importantly, be kind to yourself and the world today.
Love and Blessings!